Giving through your will with FOOD For Lane County
Help future generations thrive – include FOOD For Lane County in your estate plans. Leave a legacy that will help provide food security for countless people in years to come.
For many donors, a planned gift – also known as deferred or estate gifts – is their ultimate gift and helps solidify their legacy. For this reason, we at FFLC wish to steward donors in their lifetime for their planned gifts whenever possible. The most common type of planned gift is a bequest, made through a donor’s will or living trust.
FOOD For Lane County has partnered with to make it simpler than ever to create your legal will, and start your legacy with us in the process.
Click here to create your legal will and legacy gift for free.
Other common types of planned gifts include beneficiary designations, IRA qualified charitable deductions (QCDs), and life income gifts like charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) and charitable gift annuities. FOOD For Lane County partners with Oregon Community Foundation to assist donors who wish to make life income gifts.
FFLC Development officers are available to provide advice on planned giving options. To learn more about how you can make a lasting impact on FFLC’s work with a planned gift, please contact our Development Department by phone at 541-343-2822, ext. 143 or by email here.
Have you included a gift in your will or trust to FOOD For Lane County? Please take a minute to fill out this form so we can thank you for your lasting commitment to our mission, and ensure our records are updated!