Community Engagement

We are seeking feedback from our community!

To participate in any of our ongoing community engagement programs to tell us what you want and need, please start with this short form and we will be in touch:

Participant Interest Form

How you can participate:

Participant Advisory Councils

Listening Sessions

Community Survey

Participant Observation Program (POP) Secret Shoppers

Partner Agency Involvement

We want to know what you think!

Whether or not you receive services right now, if you are eligible to receive food services, live with someone who is, or help out as a volunteer to distribute food, please considering sharing your voice to help us improve and offer more of what you want and need.

cartoon - several people sit around a circular table with papers; one person is raising a hand

Participant Advisory Councils

Be an active member of a small group who wants to help FOOD For Lane County Partner Agencies improve their programs. To join a Participant Advisory Council (PAC), you are not already involved in running the agency’s operations, but you are able to offer your experiences and ideas as feedback.

As a PAC member, you would:

  • Share your experiences and insights about what does and doesn’t work at a specific partner agency, and help improve services
  • Join in-person small group meetings (NOT anonymous)
  • Attend 3 meetings over the course of 1-3 months (depending on the partner agency)
  • Enjoy snacks or a meal at in-person meetings
  • Receive $25 for each meeting you attend (ideally you will attend all 3 meetings)
  • Childcare and transportation support may be available
  • Compensation for childcare and transportation needs may be available.

The location of PAC meetings will depend on the specific partner agency’s PAC. If you might be interested in joining a PAC, please fill out this quick form.

several speech bubbles appear to the left of a listening ear

Listening Sessions

We are here to listen. Our listening sessions are one-time meetings facilitated by our Community Engagement Coordinator to give space for the sharing of needs, experiences, and ideas from specific communities.

Leaders and members in community can reach out to request a listening session. We would love to hear you out on your needs related to our programs and services. Express your interest in organizing a listening session for your community here.

cartoon person with long dark hair and a flower in hair pushes a shopping cart full of groceries

Participant Observation Program (POP) Secret Shoppers

Share your experiences and feedback by becoming a secret shopper at local food pantries. This will help improve programs by recognizing what is working well and being appreciated, as well as what could be improved.

As a POP Shopper, you would:

    • Attend a quick live training in-person (snacks provided) or online via Zoom and receive $25
    • Visit a food pantry and bring home free food for you and your household
    • Offer anonymous feedback about your experience at our partner food pantries
    • Send us a complete report about your visit (report forms will be provided to you)
    • Compensation for childcare and transportation needs may be available.

If you would like to apply to be a POP Shopper, please fill out this quick form.


two cartoon hands gesture towards an electronic tablet with various symbols

Community Survey

Every other year FOOD For Lane County runs a community survey that used to be called “Hunger Factors.” Now we call it simply the Community Survey. We ask for feedback in this way so that we can learn more about the wants and needs of the community to help us improve access to food resources.

This is an anonymous survey where we will not ask for identifying information, but we are asking questions about your personal experiences with food insecurity. We believe that taking this survey will give us valuable information, so we will be giving away $20 Walmart gift cards to 20+ random winners who choose to enter the drawing after completing the survey.

a person with long dark hair stands behind a table with a green tablecloth and informational flyers, wearing FFLC gear

Partner Agency Involvement

Partners with FFLC – Get involved! We can facilitate a Participant Advisory Council for your program, arrange for secret shoppers to provide feedback for your food pantry, or set up at your location to share more food resources with your community.

Contact our Community Engagement Coordinator for more information.