Please note, FFLC is not able to give out food to the public at our warehouse locations on Bailey Hill or on West Broadway.
Please see the referral information below, or complete the form that appears after you click the “Request Help Online” button for information about where you can get food.

FOOD For Lane County’s hunger relief efforts are focused on providing food assistance and increasing self-sufficiency for our neighbors living on limited resources.
Food Resources
FOOD For Lane County partners with a network of food pantries and meal sites across the county.
People who are unable to leave their homes for groceries can send a proxy to a pantry to pick up food on their behalf. Please have the proxy bring this form (English or Spanish).
Eugene/Springfield Pantry Directory: English
Eugene/Springfield Pantry Directory: Spanish
Rural Pantry Directory: English
Rural Pantry Directory: Spanish
Food Pantries
Am I eligible to visit a pantry?
Meal Sites
FFLC’s Dining Room
Trillium Produce Plus
Additional Food Resources
Other State and Federal Resources
A variety of state and federal programs are available to help Oregon families and individuals receive the assistance they need. Click on the links below for more information.
- OregonONE – Information on Federal Food Stamp Program (SNAP), Oregon Food Benefits, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Lane211
- Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS)
Human Services Commission, City of Eugene, City of Springfield and Lane County sponsor these services.