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Pre-packed boxes of shelf-stable groceries are assembled at FFLC for distribution at mobile food pantries.
Opie waits in the car while his humans pick up groceries at pantry in Oakridge.
A volunteer packs a bag of fresh veggies for distribution at mobile food pantries.
The Eugene/Springfield NAACP hosted our first mobile pantry in March. NAACP and FFLC staff and volunteers served 173 households that first night.
To meet the increased demand for food, FFLC is operating mobile pantries in Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove and Oakridge.
Gnome is a chef in Eugene. The restaurant where he works is closed until further notice, so he picks up groceries at FFLC's mobile pantry in Oakridge for his family of three.
FFLC volunteers wear masks to protect Meals on Wheels clients.
In March, FFLC's Dining Room began serving take-out meals to diners.
FFLC is serving between 80 and 100 households a night at each of four mobile pantries.
In April, FFLC staff and volunteers began serving a week's worth of frozen meals to Meals on Wheels clients to limit contact with seniors.
Kimberly and Shawn pick up groceries for their family of four at FFLC's mobile pantry in Oakridge. Drive-by grocery pick-up ensures social distancing and keeps everyone safe.