The Youth Farm offers its participants:
Educational activities, field trips, and guest speakers on gardening, nutrition, financial planning, and career development
Training in customer service, leadership, and team work
Access to fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
The opportunity to serve their community by growing nutritious food for low-income households
Healthy physical activity and a chance to make friends
About 20 hours of work per week at minimum wage
Participating at the Youth Farm is fun, fulfilling, and challenging! Our expectations of participants are high; crewmembers make a commitment to show-up on time on their scheduled days ready to participate productively and in all kinds of weather. The position also involves some heavy lifting, bending over for extended periods, and doing repetitive physical activities.
If you are between the ages of 15-18, and interested in applying, please fill out the application packet.
Guidelines for a successful application are as follows:
Print neatly; illegible applications will be recycled!
Answer every question completely and accurately
Let us know what’s great about you, and what you can offer!
In order for your application to be considered complete, you need to have an adult who knows you well, but is not a member of your family, fill out the included youth farmer reference form. Please include the reference with your application, or have the person writing your reference mail, fax or email it to us by Monday, April 25.
Applications will be accepted until Monday, April 25. If you have any questions, call us at 541-915-2511, or e-mail gardens@foodforlanecounty.org.