Letter to the Editor, Register-Guard, Published May 6, 2016
FOOD For Lane County is always working to make sure no one in our community goes hungry. We partner with many organizations and individuals to provide emergency food, but we also work to ensure “food for the future” through creative partnerships with farmers, master gardeners, food preservers and nutrition educators. A crucial partner in helping us teach people to grow their own food, prepare healthy meals, and stretch their limited food budget is OSU’s Lane County Extension Service.
We are asking you to help sustain and increase the Extension Service’s role in ensuring that Lane County’s food system is secure. By voting “YES” on Measure 20-239, you will help Lane County’s 2,660 farms by providing a local agent to help diagnose plant and insect problems and implement new production techniques. It will reduce enrollment costs of the 4-H youth program and provide in-school and afterschool opportunities for our future farmers. For backyard farmers, there will be help with pest, disease and weed management, along with soil and water conservation.
Your vote will help FFLC and the many people we serve. It will ensure Lane County farmers once again have someone to help them grow our county’s food system. It will mean wider public access to invaluable programming like Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, composting and pruning experts, and nutrition education programs.
Please join me in voting “YES” on Measure 20-239.
Beverlee Potter
Executive Director
FOOD For Lane County