We would like to highlight the work of the NAACP Eugene Springfield Unit 1119, an organization that has passionately worked to fight food insecurity during the COVID19 pandemic. Due to systemic racism and oppression, Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color experience higher rates of food insecurity than white households. The NAACP is a leading organization within our community working tirelessly to battle these disparities.
Many know FOOD for Lane County has partnered with NAACP to host a weekly Mobile Pantry at the Campbell Center on High Street since mid-March. What most don’t know is how many other ways our local chapter of the NAACP has been working to combat food insecurity in our community.
In addition to hosting the Mobile Pantry in Eugene, the local chapter of the NAACP has been hosting “Free Meal Fridays” in partnership with CALC, serving up to 150 people a grab and go lunch. They’ve also partnered with CALC to distribute food boxes in Springfield on Saturdays, getting food to highly vulnerable and hard to reach populations.
The NAACP have served lunches daily at two school lunch sites, one at the Historic Mim’s house, and one at Bethel Temple Faith Ministries.
They have been partnering with Lane Education Service District to deliver weekly care packages to student households enrolled in the Lane African American/Black Student Success Act.
They are currently working with Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon to host SNAP enrollment at the Historic Mim’s House. Please call 541-484-1119 for more information on how to sign up for SNAP.
Beginning June 29th the NAACP will once again partner with FOOD for Lane County to host a Summer Lunch site that will serve their daily summer camp, and provide grab and go meals for children in the community.
To learn more about NAACP Eugene Springfield, please visit their website at naacplanecounty.org.