Here’s proof that the smallest among us can do big things.
With a student body of only 66 students, Emerald Christian Academy in Pleasant Hill took first place in a food drive competition among seven local schools in February. Emerald Christian Academy students collected 393 pounds of food – an average 5.5 pounds of food per student. The winner was determined by the total pounds collected divided by the number of students in the school.
Students at Emerald Christian Academy – the smallest school competing in the competition – received a trophy for their efforts and a pizza party courtesy of Track Town Pizza. When we gave them the news this morning, they were pretty excited.
Winston Morgan is principal at Emerald Christian Academy.
“Our mission statement is to love God, value learning and serve others,” said Morgan. “We make it a point at this school to do as much mission outreach as we can.”
In the fall, the school collected cans for FOOD for Lane County. Last year they toured the Eugene Mission and the 7th through 10th graders went on a mission trip to San Francisco. In the spring they visited retirement homes and provided meals for people experiencing homelessness.
“Traditionally twice a year we have a day set aside to do outreach,” said Morgan. “I’m trying to make it even more than twice a year.”
The first-time food drive brought in a total of 5,280 pounds of food. A big thank you goes out to students and staff at Family School/Chinese Immersion School (second place), Kelly Middle School (third place), Churchill High School, Prairie Mountain School, Sheldon High School and Willamette High School in Eugene for crushing this drive. You rock!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this drive and believing that you can make a difference.
by Denise Wendt
#loveyourneighbor #fflc #makeadifference #emeraldchristianacademy