2022 Participant Advisory Council Flier (1)

The food drive is sponsored by SandioFoundation, TCEN Hotel, Bijou Solutions, Inc.Gold Cheetah Ba r and Tools Hardware & Co. LOCATED AT 123 ANYWHERE ST.,ANY CITY. OPEN DAILY. WE NEED VOLUNTE ERS! SUPPORTSANDIO'SFOOD DRIVE ParticipantAdvisory Council Lane County is made up of so many diverse communities with varyingneeds. Food For Lane County wants to better understand andcollaborate with our community to reduce food insecurity. ParticipantAdvisory Council is your chance to be heard, and we want to listen. Six month commitment. January 18th 2022 - June 21st 2022 Meetings held monthly, 3rd Tuesday from 4:30-6:00 HELP FOOD FOR LANE COUNTY BETTER UNDERSTAND THENEEDS OF OUR DIVERSE COMMUNITY. FOR MORE INFORMATION:https://www.foodforlanecounty.org/PARTICIPANT-ADVISORY-COUNCIL/ or call (541) 343-2822 and ask for Kelsey